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David Butler

What Causes Social Media Marketers to Burn Out?

For starters, social media managers experience unusually high turnover. One day they are responsible for a graphic design project. They next day they edit video. They have to keep up — constantly — with the needs, wants, and concerns of the shopping public.

On other days, they must meet or surpass goals imposed upon them by their own supervisors. When the public complains about the company or when the company suffers a public relations crisis, social media managers must rehabilitate the organization’s image…and quickly.

With so many responsibilities, a social media manager might feel submerged in work or even defeated. This can strain a person mentally and physically and even cause him or her to lose sleep.

Examples of Burnout

Social media burnout is a real phenomenon, according to the Journal of Computer Information Systems.

Are you burned out?

Ask yourself these questions:

• Are you physically or emotionally exhausted?

• Do you have a difficult time staying on top of your workload?

• Does your job cause your work-life balance to suffer?

• Do you feel undervalued, unsatisfied, or isolated?

• Do you no longer feel a sense of purpose?

• Are you a cynic, whereas previously you weren’t?

• Are you anxious?

• Do you have a hard time focusing on your job?

If the answer to even some of those questions is yes then you suffer from burnout. This can cause you and other members of your team to put out less-than-stellar work.

How to Avoid Burnout

Set boundaries for yourself. If you use an iPhone then schedule time away from it. Keep your work email and other work accounts off of your personal devices.

Go on vacation…and make sure there is someone who can cover for you while you are away.

Eat healthy. Get up occasionally and stretch.

Focus on one task at a time.

Finally, learn how to delegate. Prioritize the tasks that require your full attention. Outsource the rest.

Above all else, avoid the many traps that lead to burnout.

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